Simple recruitment solution
for startups & SMBs

Build career page, showcase company values, post open jobs, and manage applicant tracking all at one place.

Set up your Career Page in less than 5 minutes!

Awesome career page layouts that can be switched anytime
Save time and effort by using AI content-assist to craft your perfect job description. Add all your open job listings and publish them with a click.
Showcase your company values
Attract great talent by showcasing your company values and workplace benefits in a beautiful branded careers page.
1-step easy application process
Make it easy for candidates to apply for open positions with a user-friendly job application form, streamlining the process.
Applicant Tracking System to easily manage job applications
Receive notifications on both the app and your HR email for each incoming job application. Easily review applicant resumes and categorize them as shortlisted, interviewed, or on-hold to simplify and streamline your hiring process.
Widgets that enhance your Career Page
Incorporate a job listing section anywhere on your website effortlessly using the SubPage job widget.
Enhance candidate engagement by displaying an eye-catching bubble on your website, showcasing the number of open job positions.

Why SubPage is the best choice for your Startup/SMB ?

Up and running in minutes - Leave code, design & hosting to SubPage.
Super easy and fast tool - fit to be used by anyone - founder/marketer/support team.
Unified platform to manage product announcements and plan roadmap

Essential modules for businesses