Write blogs together as a team

SubPage provides top-notch collaboration features for SaaS teams to co-write blogs
Write blogs together as a team literally.

Permission based sharing

In a team environment, it is important to collaborate with members by permission. SubPage provides reviewer, co-editor and admin permissions. Reviewer can only view, analyze blog posts. Co-editor can write blogs but cannot change theme or settings. Admin has all permissions except publish config and delete subpage.
Permission based sharing

Author Info

Give credit where it is due with author mention in blog posts. It displays profile pic and author's name as part of the article.
Author Info

Stats by Author

Checkout the popular authors of your SaaS blog along with their performance.
Stats by Author

No user licenses for collaborators

Your collaborators whether reviewer, editor or admin do not require any special SubPage license. They can collaborate on your blog with their free account.
No user licenses for collaborators

Real-time co-editing

SubPage has built a rich text editor designed for blogging, like Google docs, multiple users can write the same blog post at the same time. There is live cursor indication as the collaborators edit the post.
Real-time co-editing