SiteMap page lists all the pages of your website in a well-organized list form. A sitemap page is extensively useful for website visitors to search and find a specific page. It also serves to link all the unlinked pages of a large website, increasing its visibility and providing a clean architecture.
Use the 'Crawl site' option and populate your SiteMap page automatically in seconds! Remove any links from the crawled list or categorize them into different heads.
Create your Sitemap Page nowEnable the search option to give your website viewers easily search for a specific term from the sitemap page without any coding.
You can manually add the links of your website to the Sitemap page using our intuitive online editor. Easily add and manage categories for your sitemap page efficiently.
Preview your Sitemap page before you publish. Publish with a single click instantly.
Create a SEO friendly visual sitemap page for your website